Chinese version: 8. 调查机制

The following is an example of the investigation process.

How can I apply?

Examplary investigation procedure

<aside> 💡 **Tip:**The investigation procedure presumes a student panel composed of students. Students here are responsible for collecting evidences and then reporting them to teachers. The disciplinary measures will be decided by teachers after discussing with the student penal. If your school does not have a student-led investigation, you may alter the following procedure. However, the basic elements in an investigation will not be changed.


Investigation process.png

You can use the following website to create a flowchart and demonstrate your own investigation procedure:

Investigation process | Lucidchart

What’s next...

Up till now, we learn about what happened in a sexual harassment case. Then we need to deal with it to prevent re-occurrence of such a case.

9. Disciplinary Measures

→ Go back to the content Toolkit for Anti-Sexual Harassment Institution at School